This is the final completion of ‘The Hollows’ film poster to go along side the teaser trailer. I had chosen the image I thought would be most effective among the range I had taken, the extreme close up of half the zombies face came across as more frightening. Using Photoshop I had cropped the face to the perfect section/angle which I thought worked best. Increasing the brightness and contrast I experimented with the different outcomes it had on the image, in doing so this created a bright, fearful side of the image. I set the background to black and white which enabled the main focus to the face of the zombie. I kept the layout of the text fairly simple, even though the text consists of the title, date and tagline I felt it was minimal yet effective. I had used the Gaussian blur effect on the white toned text as this created a ghostly, scary appearance which contrasted well with the makeup on the zombie. The tag line ‘When a dare turnt into a nightmare’ reflects of the teaser itself as it gives the audience a hint into what the teaser would be about.