Monday, March 5

Mega Film Magazine

'Mega Film Magazine'
This is the finished and completed film magazine, which go’s alongside the teaser trailer and film poster I have created. In creating this film poster I had used Photo Shop to edit and create the over all appearance of the magazine, as well as following the design I had previously drafted. I had decided to choose quite dark, bold colour tones through out as this related to the ‘horror’ theme I had chosen for this project. As for the main image, I had taken a range of images previously when I had created the teaser trailer. I had selected the image I thought best works well and would stand out as an eye catching cover for the magazine, being the main exclusive feature. I had chosen the magazine name to be ‘MEGA FILM’ magazine as it comes across bold getting to the point of what this magazine features. With the layout and positioning of things, I kept the masthead and text separately from each other which enabled the main feature to be the main image which is what I wanted. I insured that I made the cover rather simple yet intriguing.

Wednesday, January 11

Final film poster

'The Hollows' Film poster
This is the final completion of ‘The Hollows’ film poster to go along side the teaser trailer. I had chosen the image I thought would be most effective among the range I had taken, the extreme close up of half the zombies face came across as more frightening. Using Photoshop I had cropped the face to the perfect section/angle which I thought worked best. Increasing the brightness and contrast I experimented with the different outcomes it had on the image, in doing so this created a bright, fearful side of the image. I set the background to black and white which enabled the main focus to the face of the zombie. I kept the layout of the text fairly simple, even though the text consists of the title, date and tagline I felt it was minimal yet effective. I had used the Gaussian blur effect on the white toned text as this created a ghostly, scary appearance which contrasted well with the makeup on the zombie. The tag line ‘When a dare turnt into a nightmare’ reflects of the teaser itself as it gives the audience a hint into what the teaser would be about.


A few images from the range for
both the film poster and magazine
As well as filming and completing the teaser trailer, I had taken images of the zombie creature for the film poster and magazine. I had captured a range of both close ups and images at a distance; this enabled me to have a variety to work with and experiment with these images. I will use Photoshop to manipulate the images and create an interesting, gripping appeal.

Completion of teaser trailer. 'The Hollows'

Preview of the teaser trailer 'The Hollows'
As for this long period of time I have been able to complete a variety of tasks for my media project including the final outcome of the teaser trailer. Reason being the completion of my trailer took so long was due to the characters I had chosen previously. I had filmed a section of the teaser with these characters, and looking over the footage I had decided that the characters weren’t correct for the parts, as well as having difficulty with their time management to film.  I had selected different models and used them instead which led to a better outcome in the teaser overall. Now I have completed the trailer with a variety of editing techniques and to the best of my ability. I have created 4 different versions of the teaser and gained feedback, this enabled me to choose the best one. I have decided that the final one I will use is most gripping and would be enjoyed by the audience.  With the final chosen teaser there is a section in the teaser which does have a curse word said by the character – this should not be a problem as the teaser is horror themed and aimed at years 18 and over. I have tried best to disguise this by increasing the volume of an effect and blending it amongst the rest of the trailer.

Wednesday, November 23

Filming Trailer

I have begun filming for the teaser trailer I will be creating; this has been a slight struggle as the characters I have chosen to feature in the trailer don’t seem to be fitting in and working as well as I hoped. Also there is difficulty with being able to use them, so time management is being effected a great deal. I looked over the footage I had recorded and felt I could get stronger and more useable film, so in doing so this will be the backup footage and I will start from scratch with new characters and film from fresh.

Wednesday, November 9


Designs of both film poster and film magazine
Over the past period of time I have been completing design ideas for the teaser trailer, film poster and film magazine I will be creating. I had created a storyboard which explains and shows what occurs in the various scenes for the trailer. I had also designed a draft of both the film poster and film magazine which will create alongside the teaser. 

This is the first part to the storyboard I created for the hollows.
This is the second part to the storyboard.